Thursday, October 09, 2008

** 3in1 **

This year, in the month of october, i have been blessed with not one, but THREE blessing from Allah the Almighty.
  1. First, i have been able to carried out a full month of fasting
  2. Second, celebrating my 26th birthday
  3. Third, i'm expecting my second baby...
i'm overjoyed, thankful for these blessing..

Monday, October 06, 2008

** Hari Raya-ING **

Hello all... its been awhile tak blogging... hehe.. its hari raya wat!.. neway, today is the 5th day hari raya and orang start dah kaja and school resume... jadi iatah ganya masa nya ne i ada dpt update my blog... f not, beraya sakan saja, berjalan2 je terus-terusan... hahaha.. oh yea, i beraya sakan tahun ne.. enjoy sangat2 coz i posa FULL tahun ne... yahuuuu... double celebration la pula... my Full posa and my 26th bday.... haah sapa2 yg blum wish atu... hmm... baik tah belikn hadiah... hahahahahah.... neway, tanx to all yg ingat my bday and selamat hari raya maaf zahir batin dari saya sekeluarga...

here are some of photos taken sepanjang kami berhari raya...

1st day raya, theme color: pinkish orange

Aiman di pagi raya...

My anak buah i.e. Dk Nurul Shafiqa a.k.a Princess Giant

on the 4th day of hari raya...

Aiman tak kisah...

Aiman rindu naik baby walker laa.....

Aiman tgh menikmati banana split from Fun Donut..

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

** Selamat Hari Raya AidilFitri **

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

** Sungkai out @ Amanah Harith **

Yesterday (29.09.2008) huby & i went for sungkai out wif my friends...actually my ex-classmate since PND masa di MTSSR dulu.. tapi syg la some of them nda dpt dtg...its been like wat 7 years we know each other...hope our friendship lasts forever...9 orang saja yg ada kemarin, 6 guys and 3 are some of the photo...

* sorry pic quality not so good, pakai camera hp...*

huby & me..

8d, Gmd & Isham

behapa tue amer?

masih jua drg ani kuat baibun asal betamu...

Dyna & Adek

** Salon tym **

it has been awhile i'm away from blogging... hahaha luan byk bah assignments, busy saja... nda g tRudpate this blog... neways, here are some of updates...

i went to kb last week to do hair rebonding... hahaha straightening la... wif some of my collegues i.e. Shell, Mea, Ice, Rai and her fwen... we jln from bandar 7+ kali la... $55 per head, using shieshdo (lurus kah ejaan nya ne.. hehe asal ada bunyi nya jadi tah..haha) product from japan... here are some of the photos...

Saturday, September 20, 2008

*** Turbo C-ing continuation ***

At last, our SE assignment siap evendow ada some problem yg nda mampu kami solve.. kami (dgn sebulat suara) menghantar the assignment se-Ada nya... here are some of the picture taken during our last day of "mengayas" the assignment...

sorry pic quality no good.. use camera hp....

c fin singing, c rai video-conferencing...

Adek & Fen di dapur ambil ice-cream...

G.Sharul jdi pengawas *eheh*

this is Mea.. the future programmer..

Friday, September 19, 2008

*** Turbo C-ing ***

its the last day of compiling the se assignment... masa nie kmi buat drumah shellen...
status masa nie:
1. still doing coding mostly on the overdue payment..
2. aligning all the coding..
3. updating our report..

we have set 8pm today "mesti siap" ... nampak2 nya we sungkai dsini la ne... bah krg tah i update g....

Monday, September 15, 2008

*** SE Group Work @ G.Sharul Place ***

today's schedule: after having IDP Test at 11 till 12 noon tadi, we went to G.Sharul place to membuat SE Assignment. I ikut Adek's car, Sharul wait for us @ masjid bunut coz we don't know his place.. we buat till 3+pm.. then ada "Pre-motherhood session" hahaha ada orang iski holding baby... hmm... lulus ujian dah ne jadi mumy... hahahhaha...

here are the pictures... *Sorry quality not good coz using camera hp huhu...

at 1st, adek stress liat coding...

lepas tu Shellen...

G.Sharul santai je....

*** Pre-Motherhood Session ***

Future mothers *ehehe*

Friday, September 12, 2008

*** Star Wish Lists ***

My 26th b'day wish lists:

1. Apple Mighty Mouse
2. Apple Incase Hardshell Case for 13.3- inch Macbook

3. Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac
4. Incase Neoprene Sleeve for 13.3-inch Macbook5. VictoriasSecrect's Retro Suitcase
6. iPod nano-chromatic
7. A wallet.. any brand p mesti simple, lawa n cute...
8. A wrist watch.. any brand mesti lawa, cute & small, the color suits my skin color...
9. Oreo 100% ice cream cake from DQ and Sushi...
10. Digital camera.. can't decide what brand & model yet...

Sunday, August 31, 2008

*** Ramadhan Ahlan Wah Sahlan ***

Kerna anak bulan Ramadhan tidak sabit kelihatan, maka dengan ini awal Ramadhan bagi umat islam di Negara Brunei Darussalam jatuh kepada: Selasa, 02.09.2008m bersamaan dengan 01 ramadhan 1429H.. Dengan itu, saya sekeluarga ingin mengucapkan "Selamat Menunaikan Ibadah Puasa, semoga puasa kita diterima oleh Allah SWT.. Amin...

Friday, August 29, 2008

*** Playtime ***

hy all, last night (28.08.2008 at 7pm) me and my son went to arcade at hua ho tanjung bunut.. kena bawa oleh my anak buah "kaka shafiqa".. apa lagi bemain la bisdia... org tua2nya pun ikut main...*hahahaha* we played there for about one hour after that kami dinner di Jolibee..

*syg pic's quality not so gud.. camera hp...
* LilSis "Lina" with Aiman on the animal rides *

* ini aje yg sempat i rakam...*

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

*** Star Intro ***

hy all, it's been awhile for me to actually "buat" this blog... batah wah mikirkn nama kueng3... neway, "Welcome to my Blog"...